Mother in pink floral robe holding newborn in football hold and supporting breast in U hold to get a deep latch

How to Achieve Pain-Free Latching: Expert Tips for Breastfeeding Moms

Many people tell new moms that it’s “normal” for breastfeeding to hurt, but the truth is, pain is a red-flag, not a rite of passage. While discomfort while you’re learning is normal, it’s still a sign that you need to make an adjustment… that’s the whole point of learning right? Make a mistake, and fix it. When breastfeeding is painful, you’ll start dreading feeding time, could be at risk for nipple damage which could lead to infections, and usually you’ll either cut feeding time short, or the reason for the pain means your baby also isn’t draining the breast fully, which can negativley impact milk supply.  In this post, we’re going to go deep into achieving a great latch from day one, so you can enjoy breastfeeding your baby! 


Do you want to learn how to get a great latch from day one so you can enjoy breastfeeding your baby?

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Learn how to get a great latch from day one so you can enjoy breastfeeding without feeling broken, alone, or confused. 

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